
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Haaapy New Year!

Happppy New Year everyone! Welcome to 2014.

How did you see the New Year in? We had some friends round to ours for some cheeky beverages and then headed out to one of our local bars to countdown in style and throw some serious shapes.

I made the foolish mistake of going out the night before and managing to be horribly hungover come NYE. You'll be pleased to know I pushed on like the martyr I am and managed to get the drinks flowing again. Phew!

What are your New Years resolutions? Mine mostly centre around this little corner of the internet and getting it all up and running how I've planned it....which hopefully you'll all enjoy. I also want to become better with my money and start having a few savings so one day Tommy and I can own a home of our own.

I'll leave you now with some picture's of our evening - I'm back to work tomorrow but have got a few blog posts planned for the 1st week of Jan to keep moral high! Toodles x

New Years Outfit
Dress H&M
Tights Topshop


  1. It looks loke you guys had an awesome time. Happy New Year may it bring happiness and success. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Your goals are very similar to mine! Although my savings are general and probably not for my own house any time soon. Glad to hear you had such a great new year! Even if at first you were hungover, haha. I actually surprised myself and spent it at home having a full on spa-like pamper evening with a bottle of wine. It was absolute perfection and made me wonder why I don't do it more. Good luck with your goals! :)

    Deb | Debra Bros Blog
