
Monday, 27 January 2014

Bonjour Paris!

Bonjour from Kate's Days in Paris!

I have just had probably THE BEST weekend ever! Tom and I are coming up to our 3 year anniversary and so as a surprise he had me book a day off work.

I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was that I had to pack a weekend bag....very very mysterious. All was revealed when I arrived at Kings Cross on Friday morning to go on L'Eurostar! We were off to Paris!

I haven't been to Paris in years and so obviously donned my best French accent and lamented about my lack of beret and baguette.

When we arrived I was not disappointed. We'd left England's grey skies behind us and swapped them for the beautiful Parisian blue!

This was the view from our hotel room with the Arc De Triumphe just up the road and a mere skip to the Champs Elysees - a shoppers paradise (he really is too good to me).

This was the Arc De Triumphe, basically the world's fanciest roundabout. There's a beautiful memorial underneath but I wouldn't like to drive around it, quelle horrourer!

We continued our walk and headed off to the Champs Elysees for a bit of retail therapy and to pick up some hints and tips from the uber trendy French ladies.

I just about managed to resist this cheeky t-shirt - those French jokers!

Obviously when you holiday just the two of you there's not many chances for a nice snap of both of you - we became quite the selfie experts. Key trick: the longer the arm the better the selfie. Don't say this blog doesn't teach you anything!

Spotted the French London Eye behind a little bit of Egypt, didn't go for a ride looked a little wobbly!

Did make a new mate at the fountain though, she didn't say much and she wouldn't put that bloomin fish down, but she loved a selfie the old poser!

Just incase you wondered what a mighty big ferris wheel looks like from below - happy to help!

Being a multi talented individual I gave David Beckham a run for his money playing with some golden balls. This football's easy...I didn't even have to get out of my handy reclining chair!

Popped to the Louvre for a bit of culture...alright busted we didn't go in but we're still cultured alrite!

I am somewhat obsessed with the sky (it's a bit weird) and there's nothing I like more than a beautiful sunset, Paris did not disappoint! I'm sure I'd love sunrises too but I can't say I've got up early enough to see many of those...especially not on holiday!

All that walking can mean you end up with quite the thirst, luckily there seems to be a handy bar on most corners so you're never far away from the nearest watering hole. Obviously we went for the most refreshing option...a pint and a large vino....

Fake books make you look very I'm told. I'll take all the help I can get.

I was certain Tom was about to do a Joey from friends and end up in the map in a moment!

Our tired travellers feet got the better of us after this and we retired to our chambre with a 'few' bottles of wine...don't judge! The next day after some croissants in bed (the epitome of luxury) we set off on our adventures once more. We decided to head up to Montmartre which is the artists quarter and I think I fell in love. It's one of the most beautiful areas I've seen and you almost forget about the hustle and bustle of central Paris.

The views are worth the hike to the top of the hill and you can waste an afternoon pointing out any famous landmarks you can spot.

Hanging off lampposts is encouraged!

Now just sit back, take a moment and enjoy this view from the steps of the Sacre Coeur.

Food was back on the agenda pretty pronto, Tom seemed to have a thirst on again and I had a crepe...take your mind out the gutter!

Want one last shot of that view? Oh fine...go on then!

Even the tube is prettier in Paris, it looks like something off a film set! I love the slightly gothic edge it seems to have, like you might not know what to expect once you trot down those stairs.

Apparently you're not allowed to hold your Children's hands in Paris though...very odd rules those French!

We headed off to Notre Dame to see our mate the Hunchback, he didn't seem to be keen on any visitors though so instead we did our best impressions of him outside...think we both still need some work!

The Notre Dame is beautiful and there's a lovely garden at the rear where you can sit and do some ultimate people watching. I can't think of a better way to waste away a few hours.

One of my favourite spots was a beautiful bridge over the Seine where lovers have taken their padlocks and chained them to the bridge. Tom and I wondered to a stall and got our very own padlock, wrote our names on it and fastened it to the bridge. So now a little bit of us will always be in Paris...very romantic.

When staying in a hotel there's one thing you have to do. JUMP ON THE BED!

On the Saturday night we headed out to the street's of Paris for a lovely anniversary meal. We found a beautiful little Italian restaurant full of local we could trust it would be a good'un. It was a special evening and a fantastic way to see in 3 amazing years.

Our 3rd day was a short one but we still insisted on packing some adventures in. We went to see the world famous Eiffel Tower and asked a lovely couple to take our pic. They might not have got the Eiffel tower in but we both look pretty chuffed so I love it.

You can see the Eiffel Tower from all over Paris but I thought it was at it's most special when you just got a glance of it down a little side street like this:

For our final afternoon we relaxed in a beautiful square, where the author of the Hunchback of Notre Dame used to live, practised our French and reminisced on our amazing trip.

I had a truly wonderful time on my surprise visit to Paris, it was an amazing way to see in our 3 year anniversary. Who knew that boy standing at the bar in Clapham could turn out to be such a catch. I am one very very lucky girl.

Au Revoir x

What I wore:
Pull & Bear Bag
H&M Dress

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Haaapy New Year!

Happppy New Year everyone! Welcome to 2014.

How did you see the New Year in? We had some friends round to ours for some cheeky beverages and then headed out to one of our local bars to countdown in style and throw some serious shapes.

I made the foolish mistake of going out the night before and managing to be horribly hungover come NYE. You'll be pleased to know I pushed on like the martyr I am and managed to get the drinks flowing again. Phew!

What are your New Years resolutions? Mine mostly centre around this little corner of the internet and getting it all up and running how I've planned it....which hopefully you'll all enjoy. I also want to become better with my money and start having a few savings so one day Tommy and I can own a home of our own.

I'll leave you now with some picture's of our evening - I'm back to work tomorrow but have got a few blog posts planned for the 1st week of Jan to keep moral high! Toodles x

New Years Outfit
Dress H&M
Tights Topshop