
Monday, 30 September 2013

Anyone for croquet?

Apologies for the gap in blog posts of late, things got horribly hectic all of a sudden. But I'm back with vengeance no fear...

Hockey season is back in full flow and being captain of my local team means suddenly my weekends are filled with carrying hockey balls, packing first aid kits and being cab driver to my team. We may not be the best team out there by a long shot, but what we lack in actual hockey skills we make up for in enthusiasm. We're also very very very good at attending hockey socials - and this was shown in true style on Saturday when we went on a pub golf tour of our local area. Although we may have skipped wearing golfing outfits for pretty dresses can put the girl on the sports field but she still wants to look glamorous whilst doing it!

On Sunday Tommy and I (and a gaggle of others) headed to just outside London for a friends birthday. What I love about London is that you can drive for half an hour and be outside in the countryside, a real and metaphoric breath of fresh air. When we arrived (admittedly a few hours late in true Kates Days style) we seemed to stumble upon an intense game of croquet. Seizing my opportunity I joined the winning team just before they claimed victory, thus securing myself as a a winner even if no-one else agreed.

Jake hasn't quite got the hang of it

Team Sunday

After sweating it out on the croquet field and examining a few bee you do. It was time for the meat. BBQs are probably the only event in the British calendar where the men rush to do the cooking, there seems to be something very instinctive to men about gathering around flames. The girls meanwhile became drawn to a Don't Tell The Bride omnibus (a very guilty pleasure). After eating as much meat as humanely possible it seems the boy's were equally as intrigued by the show and everyone bundled onto sofa's and the floor to comment on the groom's either great or terrible choices. A great Sunday afternoon.

Spoon checking out some honey

The icing on the cake, literally, was the most amazing cake I have ever seen. A rainbow cake which tasted INCREDIBLE. More Sunday's like this are definitely needed in my life!


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