
Sunday, 29 December 2013

Christmas 2013

Hello everyone,

Apologies for the mahusive gap between blog posts but I am now back with avengence. I've put all other projects on hold for 2014 so that I can really focus on my blog and YouTube so expect to be hearing a lot from me. The aim is to be putting posts up on here at least a couple of times a week, so be certain to subscribe so as not to miss a thing. Anyway on with the show...

I LOVE CHRISTMAS - it's official, I can't deny it. When I was little I used to get so excited I'd vomit with the pure thrill of waiting for Santa. Those days are, luckily, behind me but I still get ridiculously excited. This year was my first ever Christmas away from home as I went to Tommy's family for the big day. Although I was sad to be leaving my Mama, we had a lovely lovely day and headed back to my family for Boxing Day shananigans.

I was treated like a right princess this Christmas and spoiled massively by all my family and friends (I'll do another post on that later) but I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite snaps from this years festivities:

First drink of the day

Christmas day walk: Coat from Jack Wills; Skirt from Primark; Wellis from Hunter

Ready for our walk

Must do puddle stomping

Competitive pooh sticks

Lived to see another Christmas...

Important reindeer race

Home to see my Dad

Dinner tastes better on a heart shaped plate

Winning girls board game team

How did you celebrate this year? Let me know I'd love to hear from you all!

Monday, 30 September 2013

Anyone for croquet?

Apologies for the gap in blog posts of late, things got horribly hectic all of a sudden. But I'm back with vengeance no fear...

Hockey season is back in full flow and being captain of my local team means suddenly my weekends are filled with carrying hockey balls, packing first aid kits and being cab driver to my team. We may not be the best team out there by a long shot, but what we lack in actual hockey skills we make up for in enthusiasm. We're also very very very good at attending hockey socials - and this was shown in true style on Saturday when we went on a pub golf tour of our local area. Although we may have skipped wearing golfing outfits for pretty dresses can put the girl on the sports field but she still wants to look glamorous whilst doing it!

On Sunday Tommy and I (and a gaggle of others) headed to just outside London for a friends birthday. What I love about London is that you can drive for half an hour and be outside in the countryside, a real and metaphoric breath of fresh air. When we arrived (admittedly a few hours late in true Kates Days style) we seemed to stumble upon an intense game of croquet. Seizing my opportunity I joined the winning team just before they claimed victory, thus securing myself as a a winner even if no-one else agreed.

Jake hasn't quite got the hang of it

Team Sunday

After sweating it out on the croquet field and examining a few bee you do. It was time for the meat. BBQs are probably the only event in the British calendar where the men rush to do the cooking, there seems to be something very instinctive to men about gathering around flames. The girls meanwhile became drawn to a Don't Tell The Bride omnibus (a very guilty pleasure). After eating as much meat as humanely possible it seems the boy's were equally as intrigued by the show and everyone bundled onto sofa's and the floor to comment on the groom's either great or terrible choices. A great Sunday afternoon.

Spoon checking out some honey

The icing on the cake, literally, was the most amazing cake I have ever seen. A rainbow cake which tasted INCREDIBLE. More Sunday's like this are definitely needed in my life!


Sunday, 15 September 2013

One of those quiet ones...

Happy Sunday everyone!

This week has been a quiet one, both Tom and I were taken down by some serious colds. When I say taken down I mean it, imagine a bed full of tissues, hacking coughs and some seriously snotty noses. Not hot!!

However amongst the sniffles there was time for some activities of course! Tuesday I met up with my favourite girls, my old uni housemates, for drinks and gossip. Every girl needs their group of confidants and these are partners in crime so to speak. Every time we meet there's so much laughter other tables physically move away, it can be a little overpowering at times...

My girls

It possibly maybe might have happened that 2 of us then snuck off to watch the one direction film....and I hate to say that I LOVED IT. Sure I can understand why an hour and a half of watching 20 year old boys may not be everyone's cup of tea but for me it was a cracking way to pass a Tuesday evening. Harry Styles in 3D, need I say more! One thing that was not ok though was the price! £17.50 to see a film, crikey o'rielly!

I overcame my sniffles for a cheeky haircut, one of my favourite things is that my hair grows so quickly I can have it all chopped off and a new style and it will be back in no time. This time she may have gone a little short but hey ho. I got one of those sweeping side fringes, not convinced by it but we'll see how it goes. 

My beloved Friday came and even though the rain was POURING down we headed to Clapham for my friends birthday. Dancing seemed to be just what the doctor ordered and some classic cheesy tunes meant the drinks kept flowing and the 4am kebab was a much needed event.

Me, the birthday boy and Petey

Now it's Sunday, my favourite day, and me and Tommy have come back to my Mum and Dad's for the afternoon and have stuffed our faces with home made food and treats and are now on the sofa watching a film with the family. Perfect! Hope you're having a lovely Sunday and have a great week ahead! 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Weekends by Water

So these last few weekends seem to have had a real water theme!

Last weekend was a true good'un. It was one of my best friends birthdays and to celebrate the big 2-5 he hired a boat to take us down the Thames. Everything was going well, plain sailing if you will, until the big birthday cake reveal. Now with 100 slightly boozy sailors on board it naturally turned into a massive food fight! Flash forward to a boat covered in chocolate, a wedding on board in half an hour and a really really angry boat crew....lesson learned.

Post food fight...

I'm already missing the summer sunshine and so am massively clinging onto whatever I can get. So when I arose from my slumber on Sunday morning (yes alright, late Sunday morning! lets not get picky) Tom and I decided to head on down to Brighton for the afternoon.

A cheeky lunch by the sea front and a few games on the arcade. Now obviously the done thing by the seaside is to tuck into some fish and chips....we had Vietnamese...We did walk to the Brighton pavillion  to be all cultural and that but it costs £10.50 to go inside!! They are having a right laugh. So down to the pier it was, we actually won on the 2p machines a little 'thing' which is now hanging from my rear view mirror (classy gal) and I was so so so close to winning a monkey but I saw signs of a serious gambling addiction occuring so made my move.

We headed down to the beach with a cheeky bag of hot doughnuts, just as I'm about to take my first bite of these mouthwatering goodness seagulls literally attack! One lands on my head, no exaggeration my head! My fine crop of hair with a seagull on top!! Terrifying. Brighton had defeated us at this point, so with our hair ruffled, our pockets empty and our new car accessory we headed back in a torrential downpour. Ahh the British Summer!

This week I'm loving:

 - The return of X factor (shamefully)
 - Pilates! (right fancy it is)
 - Hot doughnuts! (Frowned upon whilst doing Pilates...)