
Sunday, 29 December 2013

Christmas 2013

Hello everyone,

Apologies for the mahusive gap between blog posts but I am now back with avengence. I've put all other projects on hold for 2014 so that I can really focus on my blog and YouTube so expect to be hearing a lot from me. The aim is to be putting posts up on here at least a couple of times a week, so be certain to subscribe so as not to miss a thing. Anyway on with the show...

I LOVE CHRISTMAS - it's official, I can't deny it. When I was little I used to get so excited I'd vomit with the pure thrill of waiting for Santa. Those days are, luckily, behind me but I still get ridiculously excited. This year was my first ever Christmas away from home as I went to Tommy's family for the big day. Although I was sad to be leaving my Mama, we had a lovely lovely day and headed back to my family for Boxing Day shananigans.

I was treated like a right princess this Christmas and spoiled massively by all my family and friends (I'll do another post on that later) but I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite snaps from this years festivities:

First drink of the day

Christmas day walk: Coat from Jack Wills; Skirt from Primark; Wellis from Hunter

Ready for our walk

Must do puddle stomping

Competitive pooh sticks

Lived to see another Christmas...

Important reindeer race

Home to see my Dad

Dinner tastes better on a heart shaped plate

Winning girls board game team

How did you celebrate this year? Let me know I'd love to hear from you all!